Author: Bobby Elgee Ghost Dance Texture by Ian Burt via Flickr I believe in humans. I’m not sure I believe in ghosts. Though I’m a skeptic, I can unequivocally say that I’ve encountered events I haven’t been able to explain. Whether the phenomena was caused by a ghost–the existence of a human consciousness after death–or other paranormal source, I can’t say for sure. No one else on the planet can say for sure either. At least in the foreseeable future, I suspect that we may never be able to answer the question as to the existence of ghosts. Perhaps it’s something we aren’t ‘meant’ to know. Belief in ghosts is just that–belief–and every human is entitled to their beliefs. Given the above caveat, humans behave in predictable patterns and, by definition, intelligent ghosts should too. So, when a paranormal investigator visits a haunted residence how do they tell the difference between an intelligent vs a residual haunting? The answer isn’t quite as clear as it seems. Let’s...
"any good history begins in strangeness.The past should not be comfortable"