According to Mary Roach author of the book "SPOOK" the EVP movement started in 1959 when a Swedish Opera singer turned painter set up a microphone on a windowsill at his home outside Stockholm to record bird songs. Friedrich Jurgenson reports that a bird suddenly gets drowned out by a male voice saying something like "bird songs at night". At first it was thought that he had picked up a radio station broadcast but over the next few weeks he seemed to make more recordings and the voices seemed to be speaking directly to him by name and even more strangely to his Poodle, Carino. Jurgenson wrote a book and attracted the attention of a Latvian psychologist named Kontantin Raudive who then proceeded to record over 70 thousand recorded "voice texts". This then created EVP Societies all over the world willing to get excited with experimenting with this new phenomenon. Raudive's method was to tape radio static or what we call white noise. Many of his ...
"any good history begins in strangeness.The past should not be comfortable"