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Showing posts from January, 2016

Chasing the Ghost of Frankenstein

In my recent research into the beginnings of love for modern ghost tales I hit upon the story surrounding the birth of Mary Shelley's "Frankenstein". Here we have the cauldron that conjured and stirred the great ghostly stories of our time. The night and circumstances themselves would make a brilliant story!                                                                                                   Frankenstein (courtesy The circumstances that gave birth to Mary Shelley’s novel...

Chasing the Ghosts of my past - Selling your soul to the Devil

My heritage is Polish. My pagan roots have always fascinated me and that is where I feel most comfortable. Back, far back, before Christianity was thrust upon the Poles as part of a deal not to destroy them Poland was pagan. Here I find beautiful folk and legends that bring everything to life and give it a soul. The forests are alive with fairies and sprites that keep everything in balance. There is good and there is evil. We would do best to recognise both. Here is one legend that I remember from my childhood about a man who falls for one of the seven deadly sins. That of greed. I hope you enjoy it. Twardowski: The Pole Who Sold His Soul Posted: January 2, 2016 | Author: Crazy Polish Guy | Filed under: Polish Culture , Polish Legends |   Normally on Christmas Eve I like to watch some version of Charles Dicken’s A Christmas Carol . This past Christmas Eve, though, I broke tradition and watched an old Polish film from 1936 called Pan Twardowski . ...