We live in an ever changing world. A world that embraces difference and challenge. A world that is open to discussing different views and beliefs and applauds those that go out to search for the truth. Well...no not really. Some things can still be taboo in many towns and cities and it's best not to engage in those discussions. And so, in many cases, is the topic of the after life and ghosts. So before you jump out there and buy your T shirts with your team logo, just have a think about your family and your community and where you live and whether you can handle what comes next. Because, not all people and not all places are embracing of your excitement and your views, and you will meet those that think you are insane, mad, off your meds, hallucinating or just plain stupid. Are you ready for that? Get ready to be ignored or ostracised by your friends, work colleagues and family. To receive abusive messages on line and to be asked stupid sarcastic questions. ...
"any good history begins in strangeness.The past should not be comfortable"