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Showing posts from June, 2023

Not everything is always perfect when you are Travelling!

Most of our best stories are the misadventures in places where we have never been to and of things we were not prepared for or  just complete stuff ups that no one could see coming. The most memorable one of this trip was our stay at Risley Hall in Derby. I wish I didn't have to say that, as I do have a soft spot for this place, but as with all mis-adventures, they make for the best stories.  In the photo above, Risley Hall looks like an iconic historic building that would welcome you in to explore its stately rooms and manicured gardens. But don't let that picture deceive you! We chose this place as, let's face it, it was in our budget and it had a ghost story. Perfect for us and close to Derby Gaol, we didn't want to be travelling far after a long investigation. We arrived and were shown the stair case to our room and we politely asked in the Reception person could help us with our bags to our room, which was the very most far away room from the entry to the building...

Ghost Report from Derby Gaol

 Derby Gaol is one of those places that makes you want to go and investigate it. There have been so many paranormal groups through that I would be hard to top any of them unless we spotted a full bodied apparition, sat down to have an interview and then it vanished during our recording. So we knew that we were going to just have to enjoy it for ourselves as trying to impress was jut not going to happen. Also, our track run on ghostly phenomena at haunted locations was not up to scratch, we were just not getting the demons nor possessions than all the other groups were becoming You Tube famous for. God, how do they do it? Or do they??????? The photo above shows you the gate to the back entrance of the Gaol which no longer is accessible as we found out on our arrival! It now is barred up as the council is building a three story high apartment block in front of it. Now, even though we had the address for the front entrance, from our view point we did not see a thing telling us that th...

Ghost Report from Dudley Castle

  This investigation happened with the help of one of our top fans, Joanne who told us about this 6 hour investigation and who also suggested accommodation and even invited us to dinner before the tour. Joining us was also Callum, Joanne's son and his girlfriend Danielle and the five of us made our way to the Castle which was about 45 minutes away from Cannock Chase where we were staying. When we reached the Castle it was still light and we all met out the front, shown where to park and then taken into the break out room which was situated in a small Cafe in what used to be the old stables. There were about 30 of us and we were broken up into two groups which would rotate between 4 different experiments. Our first task took us into a room that had walls which contained a time line of events in the castle and we conducted a vigil to see if we could make a connection with a spirit named Alice. She was allegedly an old hag she had a bit of a temper. Callum was pointed out, as the only...