Most of our best stories are the misadventures in places where we have never been to and of things we were not prepared for or just complete stuff ups that no one could see coming. The most memorable one of this trip was our stay at Risley Hall in Derby. I wish I didn't have to say that, as I do have a soft spot for this place, but as with all mis-adventures, they make for the best stories. In the photo above, Risley Hall looks like an iconic historic building that would welcome you in to explore its stately rooms and manicured gardens. But don't let that picture deceive you! We chose this place as, let's face it, it was in our budget and it had a ghost story. Perfect for us and close to Derby Gaol, we didn't want to be travelling far after a long investigation. We arrived and were shown the stair case to our room and we politely asked in the Reception person could help us with our bags to our room, which was the very most far away room from the entry to the building...
"any good history begins in strangeness.The past should not be comfortable"