In case you missed Part One of this story - head here first: Now here is part two: Primed by the inner circle of seance sitters that were the Medium's guardians for these sessions I sat still with a pounding heart in complete and total darkness. The inner circle started to whip up the others around the table by telling us all that they could feel the presence of Spirit in the room. It was swirling all around us, they said... coming up close and peering at us, seeing into our souls. Suddenly the illuminated balls that were now lying in the middle of the table were suddenly picked up by a darkened hand. After a moment of silence the noise started... Thank you Spirit! We can see you! Thank you for attending Spirit - show us what you can do! The commotion went around the table and we were pushed to make comments as these glowing balls came around and stopped in front of certain...
"any good history begins in strangeness.The past should not be comfortable"