In case you missed Part One of this story - head here first:
Now here is part two:
Primed by the inner circle of seance sitters that were the Medium's guardians for these sessions I sat still with a pounding heart in complete and total darkness.
The inner circle started to whip up the others around the table by telling us all that they could feel the presence of Spirit in the room.
It was swirling all around us, they said... coming up close and peering at us, seeing into our souls.
Suddenly the illuminated balls that were now lying in the middle of the table were suddenly picked up by a darkened hand.
After a moment of silence the noise started...
Thank you Spirit!
We can see you!
Thank you for attending Spirit - show us what you can do!
The commotion went around the table and we were pushed to make comments as these glowing balls came around and stopped in front of certain people as if to give them a closer look.
Then as fast as that had occurred it was over.
The balls dropped back down on to the table and rolled apart.
The hand disappeared into the darkness and a shout arose from the other side of the table across from where I was sitting.
He's touching me on the head - Oh! Bless you Spirit! Bless you!
Then another -
Yes, yes" I can feel him now. He's touching me on the shoulder!
...and so in more frenzied and elevated voices it seemed first to be the inner circle who experienced these ethereal touches and then finally some of the first time sitters.
I could hear the voices of those being touched until it came to me and then I felt the hand on my shoulder.
It felt like a firm hand.
A man's hand.
It was one firm squeeze and then it was over.
It did not feel strange, nor other worldly.
My head was spinning.
The women next to me started shouting...
Did you fell him, did you feel him? Wasnt the touch soft and so healing...
to which I answered...
I felt it as strong and masculine.
No it wasnt, said the woman- it was soft and sensual
Nope, I repeated.
There must be two different spirits then - mine was masculine and strong.
Then the prayers and singing started over again.
A whirling of noise and raising of energy - we kept on being told to keep our energy raised!
Now came the next part.
Noise came again from the cabinet..a flurry, banging and things being dropped from a height which we were told were apports that would be checked later on.
And then, once again, the illuminated balls were lifted from the table.
This time the Spirit bought the balls close to his chest.
We could all see the outline of the Spirit's upper body and face as he walked behind the people on the far side of the table.
His chest was naked.
Spasms of joy went through the crowd.
If I wasn't mistaken this was becoming something quite erotic for some of the sitters.
One woman was swooning and begging the figure to come closer to her and allow her to touch him.
It was quite peculiar and becoming uncomfortable.
I was shifting in my chair and promptly told to sit still else I make Spirit angry and he would retract and hurt the Medium.
So one loop of the table was made and then the Spirit chose people by touching their hands and allowing them to place a hand on his chest.
Was I one of the lucky ones to be chosen?
They were describing his skin as being soft, clammy and spongy.
I was beginning to lose belief in the whole process.
This idea of sitting in the dark for another hour as these people carried on was not thrilling me.
My hands were sweaty and cramped from being held and I was feeling a strange sensation of being watched from behind.
My paranormal radar had just gone up - but not from what was happening in front of me, but what i could not see but only feel that was happening behind me.
Now here is part two:
Primed by the inner circle of seance sitters that were the Medium's guardians for these sessions I sat still with a pounding heart in complete and total darkness.
The inner circle started to whip up the others around the table by telling us all that they could feel the presence of Spirit in the room.
It was swirling all around us, they said... coming up close and peering at us, seeing into our souls.
Suddenly the illuminated balls that were now lying in the middle of the table were suddenly picked up by a darkened hand.
After a moment of silence the noise started...
Thank you Spirit!
We can see you!
Thank you for attending Spirit - show us what you can do!
The commotion went around the table and we were pushed to make comments as these glowing balls came around and stopped in front of certain people as if to give them a closer look.
Then as fast as that had occurred it was over.
The balls dropped back down on to the table and rolled apart.
The hand disappeared into the darkness and a shout arose from the other side of the table across from where I was sitting.
He's touching me on the head - Oh! Bless you Spirit! Bless you!
Then another -
Yes, yes" I can feel him now. He's touching me on the shoulder!
...and so in more frenzied and elevated voices it seemed first to be the inner circle who experienced these ethereal touches and then finally some of the first time sitters.
I could hear the voices of those being touched until it came to me and then I felt the hand on my shoulder.
It felt like a firm hand.
A man's hand.
It was one firm squeeze and then it was over.
It did not feel strange, nor other worldly.
My head was spinning.
The women next to me started shouting...
Did you fell him, did you feel him? Wasnt the touch soft and so healing...
to which I answered...
I felt it as strong and masculine.
No it wasnt, said the woman- it was soft and sensual
Nope, I repeated.
There must be two different spirits then - mine was masculine and strong.
Then the prayers and singing started over again.
A whirling of noise and raising of energy - we kept on being told to keep our energy raised!
Now came the next part.
Noise came again from the cabinet..a flurry, banging and things being dropped from a height which we were told were apports that would be checked later on.
And then, once again, the illuminated balls were lifted from the table.
This time the Spirit bought the balls close to his chest.
We could all see the outline of the Spirit's upper body and face as he walked behind the people on the far side of the table.
His chest was naked.
Spasms of joy went through the crowd.
If I wasn't mistaken this was becoming something quite erotic for some of the sitters.
One woman was swooning and begging the figure to come closer to her and allow her to touch him.
It was quite peculiar and becoming uncomfortable.
I was shifting in my chair and promptly told to sit still else I make Spirit angry and he would retract and hurt the Medium.
So one loop of the table was made and then the Spirit chose people by touching their hands and allowing them to place a hand on his chest.
Was I one of the lucky ones to be chosen?
They were describing his skin as being soft, clammy and spongy.
I was beginning to lose belief in the whole process.
This idea of sitting in the dark for another hour as these people carried on was not thrilling me.
My hands were sweaty and cramped from being held and I was feeling a strange sensation of being watched from behind.
My paranormal radar had just gone up - but not from what was happening in front of me, but what i could not see but only feel that was happening behind me.
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