Flying is a little like going into labour. Its frightening. Its painful, unless you use drugs. And..once its over your brain blocks it out because you are likely never to do it again - and you REALLY don't want to remember what it was like the last time you did it. So..after a 14 hour long haul to Dubai and then a 7 hour stretch to Birmingham we landed with a sigh of relief to be finally extricated from the sounds of children wailing, as if they were being scalded in boiling water, and the constant drone of freezing air conditioning in the plane which saw me wrap myself cocoon like in three airline blankets to raise my temperature back enough to allow for blood flow. The 360 Airbus is huge and I rather not think about how the f**k they get it to stay up in the air. The food was not news worthy. It's worth the 24 hours of being curled up like a centipede, that has had its life threatened, to now be looking out of a window onto a sunny sky and the knowledge that my a...
"any good history begins in strangeness.The past should not be comfortable"