It's almost midnight and I've just returned from picking up some medications for my husband from the local chemist not far from where I live. Heading back to my car I say 'hello' to the security guard who is coming on duty and he sees me heading to my car, which has NEWCASTLE GHOST TOURS emblazoned on each side of the car - this always tends to start a conversation. And so it is I get told a story tonight. He tells me how he worked up at the old Royal Newcastle Hospital site up on Pacific Street in Newcastle when they were demolishing it to make way for new apartments. "That place is bloody haunted alright!" he tells me. "Tell me more" I say. He remembers that they bought in a lot of Asian people to work on the site to remove asbestos and when he arrived one night to start work he found these Chinese dragons painted on every doorway and entrance. He said that they told him that it kept the bad spirits away while they worked. He told me that when h...
"any good history begins in strangeness.The past should not be comfortable"