It's almost midnight and I've just returned from picking up some medications for my husband from the local chemist not far from where I live.
Heading back to my car I say 'hello' to the security guard who is coming on duty and he sees me heading to my car, which has NEWCASTLE GHOST TOURS emblazoned on each side of the car - this always tends to start a conversation.
And so it is I get told a story tonight.
He tells me how he worked up at the old Royal Newcastle Hospital site up on Pacific Street in Newcastle when they were demolishing it to make way for new apartments.
"That place is bloody haunted alright!" he tells me.
"Tell me more" I say.
He remembers that they bought in a lot of Asian people to work on the site to remove asbestos and when he arrived one night to start work he found these Chinese dragons painted on every doorway and entrance.
He said that they told him that it kept the bad spirits away while they worked.
He told me that when he would walk around at night it would make him very uncomfortable as he would hear noises everywhere, when he knew quite well, that he was the only one in that part of the building, so he bought himself the strongest most high powered torch he could get at the time. That trusty light served it's purpose more than once on many a dark night.
He found one of the scariest places around near where the old Cafeteria used to be located.
He said that occasionally he would see a figure standing looking out from where the windows were that faced the beach.
One night, some guy tried to get onto the site illegally, to possibly steal some piping or copper during the demolition, some of the top floors had gone by that stage and it was really dangerous with bits of asbestos everywhere, broken concrete and timber.
He got in through a window, and apparently, as he was trying to get in the glass came out of the frame and sliced half his face off.
Security found him in a bad way and called the Police and Ambulance. There was blood everywhere.
When my story teller/security guard came in for his shift in the morning the night shift had told him what had happened.
He had to go and see for himself.
He went to the spot where the break in occurred and there was dried blood spattered around.
But, the glass was in place - it was siliconed in tight and was immovable.
He could not work out how that piece of glass had fallen out and caused the injury to the fellow who had broken in?
He told me that he thought that the shadow figure that he was seeing in the Cafeteria area didn't like this guy and punished him, in his own ghostly way, by making sure that the place would be stay protected by the spirit energies that still remained on site, and on duty so it seems.
Over the years I have heard so many stories from nurses and staff who used to work in the old Royal Newcastle Hospital. Some that are so unbelievable, yet these witnesses swear they experienced the events.
I wonder what other stories are still waiting to be told.
I hope I hear them before they are forgotten forever.
If you have a story of a ghostly sighting or experience from the old days of the hospital that serviced Newcastle for many generations please contact me via email to share it at
I can keep it anonymous (just as I have not mentioned this person's name) but I would love to add it to the collection of amazing and unbelievable happening that I already have.
**Photographs from
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