The Charles Bridge connects one side of the city of Prague in the Czech republic, to the other, and has stood through floods, war, religious upheavals and the metamorphosis of the city. It is a walk that is taken by thousands of tourists every year and it is a walk I will be doing later this year with my travel buddy, Anne Rzechowicz , when we head on an escorted ghost tour hosted by Dave Schrader. I am looking forward to this, even though I had no plans on going at all, but after seeing the itinerary Anne booked the tour with her husband, and told me that I have to come. We are going to an Ossuary, which is a church decorated with bleached and carved human bones! Those crazy Europeans! Oh, girlfriend you had to twist my arm! As the bridge sees a constant stream of people on it from dawn till late at night I really don't know how I will go sensing anything at all. Way too crowded! But, I still I await the experience of rubbing one special statue for good luck. It's traditio...
"any good history begins in strangeness.The past should not be comfortable"