So after being active in weekly ghost hunts over the last few months it is now a case of getting more and more bored as the days go on. What do I do now? I am itching to get out there - do I need to sneak into a cemetery for goodness sake? Must I stand outside one of our heritage locations with a REM POD and K2 meter? Do I lock myself into a room at a hotel just for practice? And it as much fun when I don't have a group of newbie ghost hunters along for the ride? Well, there is not much I can do about it right now. But I do want you to know that I am suffering ghost hunting withdrawals. I need to hug my parastalkers and my ghosties too!! Being in lock down means thinking about things very differently. Now connecting is via social media. Our local sites are all shut and we cannot enter. It's only been a few days and to be very clear - I am having a whinge, but I cannot complain. I am safe at home and we have enough food and entertainme...
"any good history begins in strangeness.The past should not be comfortable"