![Photo: Old Hag' Syndrome is a terrifying sleep disorder that many people suffer from. Also known as 'sleep paralysis', sufferers often wake up in the middle of the night, unable to move or scream, but able to see, hear, feel and smell. It is often accompanied by strange smells, frightening sounds, apparitions of shadows or people, and a weight on the chest, making breathing difficult if not impossible.
It is caused by the hormones, which keep us paralysed while we sleep and thus preventing us from acting out our dreams, not ceasing function immediately when you wake up. It usually only lasts up to a minute.
I've had this happen twice in my life and it is honestly the most horrifying thing that I have ever experienced. If you've experienced this, please share your experience!
The Unknown; but not hidden.](https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/p480x480/970499_519581958111096_1682774985_n.jpg)
Hag' Syndrome is a terrifying sleep disorder that many people have experienced. Also known as 'sleep paralysis', sufferers often wake up in the
middle of the night, unable to move or scream, but able to see, hear,
feel and smell. It is often accompanied
by strange smells, frightening sounds, apparitions of shadows or people,
and a weight on the chest, making breathing difficult if not impossible
- have you had such an experience?
It can feel terrifying - as if you are being taken over by an entity that has total control of you. You cannot move, nor can you scream although you try as hard as you can. Often you can be sleeping right next to your partner but cannot reach out to touch them.
You fell totally helpless.
It is said to be caused by the hormones, which keep us paralysed while we sleep and thus preventing us from acting out our dreams, not ceasing function immediately when you wake up. It usually only lasts up to a minute.Although I have heard many reports that it can last longer and leaves a lasting effect on those that experience it because it seems so real.
I know of stories where people have experienced the presence of another spirit and they are fully awakened - they finally begin to resist and can move and often begin to fight back only to find the entity disappear with the person being shaken and wondering what in the hell just happened.
Is it all so easily attributed to hormones and dreams?
Or can there be more that happens in those dark hours of sleep when our bodies are trapped between the worlds?
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