Just look at the photo above - doesn't it just call out to you to go and investigate?
A ruined church, a wonky collection of headstones and just around the corner there is the Templemichael Castle.
Now, that's a spot for great photography and for setting up your gadgets to hold vigils and investigations!
This is a Protestant Church built in 1823 on the site of an earlier ruined Church. I wonder if they reused the stone structure?
Probably that would be a good idea.
The church is located in Glendine, County Waterford in Ireland and is one of the oldest Christian sites in the country.
The Church has been the scene of a large number of reported sightings and folktales.
The story goes that during the famine a young peasant woman brought her sick child to the house at Ballynatray, where family members lived, to seek help but was turned away by the owner of the house.
Let's say that she was NOT HAPPY.
So, as she left she cursed the family and stepped backwards down the thirteen steps and cursed a generation of the Holroyd-Smyth family with each step that she took.
Now did this work?
Well, in a way, YES it had a huge effect on family members for generations to come.
A number of the family have passed away on the 13th day of the month!
You will find that dates of death are marked on the headstones and many are the 13th of the month.
The last Halroyd-Smyth family member died on the 13th September 1969 in a hunting accident.
There have been reports of sightings of ghostly monks, large black dogs that appear and may be heard growling.
Ropes have even appeared on a roadway going to the Graveyard in an attempt to stop people entering the area. But, they disappear and people go back to find the ropes and there is no sign of them.
Pretty interesting stuff.
If you want to know more about this crazy place you can go to our podcast episode number 155, on Spotify here:
Would I go and investigate here?
I would go just based on the pictures of this place (because I'm a nutter for old graveyards.
See you soon with more haunted places and ghost stories.
Stay Spooky - Renata
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