The Exorcist -
I get a handful of calls every year to investigate private homes.
As exciting as it might appear on all the TV shows,in my experience, a true haunting is actually a rarity.
I often come across a post on line with about someone who is reaching out for help or may have posted a photograph and is asking for assistance.
And the comments are wide and varied of course, but you can be assured that somewhere down the track of posts has mentioned the 'd' word.It must be a demon..
I really don't think that some people understand what that word can create in a already stressed situation it can become total chaos.
Who can you trust?
Who do you call?
Having 10 or 20 people online tell you that you have some sort of demonic infestation in your home can literally cripple a family.
It can leave them with a sense of such fear and trepidation that it just makes the situation far worse than it was before hand.
Imagine the intensity of stress and anxiety as you put your family to sleep at night, and you lay awake listening to every creak or groan in the house and being hyper vigilant to every single sound that occurs for days on end until you can get some help.
My simple piece of advice is:
We, as investigator's who are being trusted to assist and help, must strive for the truth.
We must give a family hope and allay fears.
We must look at simpler explanations FIRST.
We must continue to take on as much education as possible if we are to strive to be the best.
Seriously folks, it's not always demonic.
Why do so many ghost hunters go there first?
It should be the last thing that is mentioned - don't you think?
I get a handful of calls every year to investigate private homes.
It might seem exciting to get entry into an alleged haunted property and a team may feel the pressure to produce results - yes, I get that.
But also our clients are entitled to the truth.
As exciting as it might appear on all the TV shows,in my experience, a true haunting is actually a rarity.
Each private case must be handled with kid gloves.
Remember...You are walking onto a private premises.In most cases you are dealing with people who know nothing or little about paranormal occurrences.What they do know may have come from TV shows or movies or best friends or family, who are advising them often with the best of intentions.
I often come across a post on line with about someone who is reaching out for help or may have posted a photograph and is asking for assistance.
The question ends up being something like, "Please help - what do you think this might be?"
And the comments are wide and varied of course, but you can be assured that somewhere down the track of posts has mentioned the 'd' word.It must be a demon..
I really don't think that some people understand what that word can create in a already stressed situation it can become total chaos.
What do you do if you think that there is a demon now lodged in your home?
Who can you trust?
Who do you call?
Having 10 or 20 people online tell you that you have some sort of demonic infestation in your home can literally cripple a family.
It can leave them with a sense of such fear and trepidation that it just makes the situation far worse than it was before hand.
Imagine the intensity of stress and anxiety as you put your family to sleep at night, and you lay awake listening to every creak or groan in the house and being hyper vigilant to every single sound that occurs for days on end until you can get some help.
My simple piece of advice is:
If you are prepared to call something demonic you should also be prepared to go to that home and give advice and deal with the problem!
Unless you are prepared to lend a hand to the family, do not infer that something is demonic.
Even if you think it is and RARELY will you know the full story unless you go to the house and conduct a face to face interview.
Scaring a family half to death by alleging that something is demonic without knowing the whole story is a cruel and unfair judgement to place not only upon the entity buy also upon the family dealing with the issue.
We, as investigator's who are being trusted to assist and help, must strive for the truth.
We must give a family hope and allay fears.
We must look at simpler explanations FIRST.
We must continue to take on as much education as possible if we are to strive to be the best.
We must be prepared to say - there is nothing to report IF THERE IS NOTHING TO REPORT.
We must also, and above all else, remember that there could be many different possibilities before you head down the path of demonic haunting.
Let's bring the paranormal field into high regard and keep doing the best we can for clients.
Remember that it's not about YOU - it's about them.
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