I started today by doing a recording in my car on the way to Anne's place to go live on the SPIRIT REALM NETWORK in America and of course I cannot work out how to upload to to my supporters Facebook page.
So I am back on to Blogger to write down my thoughts.
Today has been off the charts busy with another 15 hour day for us from our Live stream to the end of our Maitland Gaol tour tonight.
Currently, I am taking a break from recording another episode for our TRUE HAUNTINGS PODCAST (find the link below), so that we can have something to eat and deal with a lady who is currently experiencing what I can only classify as poltergeist activity.
We have spoken to her and we have looked at what the causes of this activity might be and we will need some time to sit and talk more how we can help her help herself in this particular situation.
All these situations are so different and any consultation is difficult because we cannot underestimate what we are really dealing with and we cannot make assumptions from one interview. So much talking and allowing this lay to know that we are here to help her is the very first thing we can do to settle worn and shattered nerves.
We will complete our podcast recording - and an hour of a produced podcast will often take about 2 hours to record.
Then it is off to Maitland Gaol to do our Ghost Hunting 101 ghost hunt with a group of guests tonight and we will also be trialing a new volunteer for the team.
Tomorrow we are heading to Dubbo for a tour.
Back on Sunday to make it for our weekly Spooky Sundays radio show.
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