The road along the Hog's Back is ancient, since its raised position offered travellers a vantage point and also kept them above the thick ancient woodland of the valleys on either side. It was part of the ancient ridgeway which runs from Wiltshire down to the east coast of Kent.
It was also part of the road from London to Winchester (as it still is). Although there is very little archaeological evidence in support, it has been suggested that a Roman road ran from London to Winchester and that, at this point, it passed, either over the Hog's Back or perhaps a little to the north (e.g. Roman Surrey, David Bird, 2004). Research on this is continuing.
It is still a main road with car whistling past at an incredible rate.
The Hogs' Back Hotel sits on a prime spot along the ridge with a beautiful view from the back of the property onto a lush green expanse of English countryside.
Some spooky and ghoulish history:
One haunted site around the area is Farnham Castle, now a conference centre, has several supernatural visitors. As well as being home to a ghostly monk, phantom voices have been heard in the Great Hall and children have been observed running the length of the upper balcony. A bell that was once housed in the keep is often heard tolling, a shadowy figure haunts the guardroom and a young girl dances on the staircase, where she was said to have tripped and died. In the cellar, a soldier who was shot in the face causes visitors to experience face-aches.
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